Some Handy Tips for Your First Massage

Everybody loves receiving a good massage to relieve their stress.  When you go to have a massage, keep your mind open to the process. Relax and let your massage professional handle the job in order to best serve your needs.  Much like a yoga class, massage can be used to clear the mind and simply…

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Building Better Balance

I believe balance is an important part of our everyday lives. Heck, I even put the word in the name of my business!  We hear the benefits of balance lauded in many different facets of our lives.  Moderation in most things and a healthy variety of interests can be a good foundation for contentment.  Of…

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Caring For Crisis

It happens to us all.  For reasons beyond our control, life throws us a curveball that knocks us down and creates potential for the whole system to run right off the tracks.  Be it a pink slip, test result or some other life-altering event, here are a few tips to maintain your sanity and learn…

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Yoga Doesn’t Have to be Hard

I overheard a conversation at the coffee shop last week that sort of bothered me.  The gist of it was that yoga was “really hard”.  In general, I don’t disagree that yoga can be a lot of things to a lot of people, but one thing it should not be for you is “hard”.  Yes,…

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