Yoga: It’s Not Just for Grownups

We are part of a nation where childhood obesity rates have more than doubled over the past 30 years and the percentage of 6-11 year olds in the obese category rose to 18% in 2012. While some may disagree, it is clear we as adults have not done our part to encourage physical fitness and…

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Massage Therapy for Knee Pain

If you are among the 10 million people who saw a doctor in recent years for a knee injury, you know how much pain an injury of this type can cause, and how much it can interfere with daily activities. Knee injuries are common among sports players, and can also occur as the result of…

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Yoga and It’s Many Benefits

Yoga is a practice that goes back thousands of years, yet a lot of people see it as a low-impact workout designed to get them into shape. Yes, practicing yoga regularly will improve your flexibility and tone your muscles as well as a lot of other workouts, but it also has other benefits that a…

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