Massage Therapy Helps Arthritis

Massage therapy can be a great helper with arthritis.  Arthritis is a generic term used to identify more than 200 conditions that affect the joints of the body, the tissues adjacent to those joints, and connective tissue. Fibromyalgia, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis are some of the more common manifestations of arthritis. Causes of arthritis While there is no one cause of arthritis, it has been speculated that some of the following things…

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Benefits of Massage Therapy

In case you hadn’t noticed, we love talking about all the benefits of massage!!  Living in today’s world is a stressful thing for each of us on some level, whether we realize it or not. We have deadlines, difficulties, frustrations and demands on our time. Stress isn’t all bad, though. It can help us give a peak performance. But constant stress wears upon the body, causing a wide variety of problems. Stress kicks in our…

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Yoga For a Happy, Healthy Heart

Thinking of exercise for heart health may conjure up images of a sweaty aerobics class or several laps around the track. But new research is showing us that heart-healthy routines may be just a bit more relaxing than we once thought. The CDC reports that 1 in 3 deaths each year in the U.S. is caused by heart disease and stroke, but 200,000 of these deaths can be prevented through healthy habits like more physical…

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4 Tips When You Are Searching for a Massage Therapist

Whether you are a longtime devotee to massage therapy for its many health benefits, or you have never had one massage, there will come a time when you need to find a qualified massage therapist. There are several bad ideas for finding a massage therapist: pointing one out in the phone book, scouring social media, or performing a random Google search. There are better ways, including asking friends and family for recommendations, contacting a local…

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Massage for Osteoarthritis: Improve Joint Function, Ease the Pain

As the most common form of arthritis, osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage protecting the ends of your bones wears down. Over time, osteoarthritis can damage joints in the hands, hips, knees, and spine. Currently, there is no cure, but there are some natural ways to help ease the pain. The CDC reported in 2005 that an estimated 27 million American adults had been diagnosed with osteoarthritis. Symptoms like pain and tenderness in the joints, stiffness,…

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A New Way to Relax On the Water: Say “Namaste”

OK.. If you look closely, you’ll notice that the image is both not me and not Mirror Lake!  🙂  It’s still a great shot though! Summer calls for us to sit by the water, jump in the water, splash in the water, and drink lots of water. But yoga on the water is a new thing entirely and a new way to enjoy the days of summer while also maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Yoga has…

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Yoga Pants as Office Wear? Just Don’t Pose Downward Dog in Heels

You probably wear your yoga pants to more than just the studio. If not, you may be in the minority. As our society darts from one task to the next, we often do not have time (or the desire) to change clothes. Plus, yoga pants can be darn comfy. But at the office? The journey of office attire, from pantsuits in the 80s to the current trend of menswear-inspired digs, has seen its share of…

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Need to Boost to Your Immune System? Try Massage Therapy

A good massage can do wonders to decrease your stress level, relax tense muscles, and help you get a better night’s sleep. Countless studies have been done on the positive impact massage therapy has on the body, and the evidence continues to grow. Massage therapy is so good for so many reasons and is safe for all ages and most health conditions. One of the areas in which massage therapy can make a difference is…

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Massage Therapy and Mental Health: Relax Your Body and Your Mind

Most people know that massage therapy is one way to feel more relaxed, find relief for pain symptoms, and help reduce stress. But did you know it could also be good for your mental health? Massage therapy has been practiced for thousands of years, first by the Chinese and then by other cultures as time went on. Research has been conducted in order to find the link between massage therapy and the health of our…

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Suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis? Try Yoga for Relief

Adults who struggle with rheumatoid arthritis understand the pain of swollen joints, morning stiffness, and fatigue that can come with flares. You may have tried several treatment options, including exercise, which can keep muscles strong and help to reduce stiffness. But have you ever considered yoga to help treat your symptoms? Rheumatoid arthritis, or RA, affects men and women usually between the ages of 30-50 and affects the joints. RA is an autoimmune condition that…

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