3 Great Ways Yoga Can Help You

Practicing yoga asanas has many beneficial aspects besides strengthening the body and quieting the mind. It is a form of self-discipline that affects many areas of our lives. Ways yoga benefits your body 1. Better sleep With your yoga practice, you will find that you fall asleep more quickly, stay asleep for longer periods of…

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Yoga and Self-Discipline  

Bringing any new habit into your life requires self-discipline. Getting an exercise bike is a great step toward fitness, but not if it becomes a room ornament instead of a fitness trainer. Choosing to do yoga requires self-discipline. Yoga is a great way to teach your body balance and coordination, and according to the ancient…

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Which of Yoga’s Pathways Do You Choose?

Yoga is over three thousand years old. It is a spiritual pathway, an exercise alternative, and a system of health. What you get from your Lincoln NH yoga class depends on two things: what you are seeking, and what part of yoga you want to integrate into your life. Yoga as a spiritual path Today, throughout the…

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Yoga For a Happy, Healthy Heart

Thinking of exercise for heart health may conjure up images of a sweaty aerobics class or several laps around the track. But new research is showing us that heart-healthy routines may be just a bit more relaxing than we once thought. The CDC reports that 1 in 3 deaths each year in the U.S. is…

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Suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis? Try Yoga for Relief

Adults who struggle with rheumatoid arthritis understand the pain of swollen joints, morning stiffness, and fatigue that can come with flares. You may have tried several treatment options, including exercise, which can keep muscles strong and help to reduce stiffness. But have you ever considered yoga to help treat your symptoms? Rheumatoid arthritis, or RA,…

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Yoga for Men

Yoga has seen its own evolution over the last several decades. More than just ancient practice, yoga has grown to become a family activity, including children and the man of the family. Yoga has so many health benefits, it is not difficult to see why its popularity extends to include men as well. Broga Enter…

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The Science behind Yoga

If you are familiar at all with yoga, you have no doubt heard of the benefits to body and mind caused by taking part in this age-old practice. You know it is a healthy way to stretch muscles, build stamina, increase relaxation, increase flexibility, and improve sleep. But is there actual scientific evidence to back…

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Yoga: It’s Not Just for Grownups

We are part of a nation where childhood obesity rates have more than doubled over the past 30 years and the percentage of 6-11 year olds in the obese category rose to 18% in 2012. While some may disagree, it is clear we as adults have not done our part to encourage physical fitness and…

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