Ward Off Winter Woes

lincoln nh yoga snowIt is here.  Like it or not (actually I sort of love it!) winter has returned to New Hampshire.  I love all the seasons we are blessed with in New Hampshire, although I do find winter a more challenging time to keep myself healthy.  I’d like to share a few suggestions to help keep your head held high this winter and possibly allow you to embrace the season with open (though covered in layers!) arms.

It’s easy to fall into bad habits when it comes to eating during the winter.  It is very easy to swing by the fast-food spot and grab a bite to eat on the way home.  One of my favorite remedies for this, especially for those of us with families, is to spend a little time preparing on the weekend so you are ready for those cold, dark, busy weeknights.  Cut up fruits and veggies and put them in individual bags so you have snacks you can quickly grab on your way out.  Prepare some stews, soups or crock-pot meals as well so these are ready to just be warmed and eaten when everyone arrives.  This will take a little (a lot of!) pressure off you when you get home from work and will help keep you on track with your fitness and nutrition goals.

It is also important to feed our brains during this season.  The temptation is to get sucked into the TV or a serious binge-watching session on Netflix.  I would simply encourage you to grab a book or grab a friend before you plop down on the couch.  This will encourage you to exercise your brain and exercise your relationships.  Both are far more rewarding than the feeling of working your way through 80 episodes of meaningless drama.

Lastly, don’t get out of your routine of meditation regardless of the form it takes for you personally.  Whether walking the dog, going to yoga, taking a hot bath or simply walking in the silence of the woods, ensure that you are consistently taking time for yourself to re-charge those batteries.  Keep this section of your life a priority and you’re far more likely to have the energy to deal with everyone else’s crabbiness after the next run of endless, sunless days!

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