Yoga for Men

Yoga has seen its own evolution over the last several decades. More than just ancient practice, yoga has grown to become a family activity, including children and the man of the family. Yoga has so many health benefits, it is not difficult to see why its popularity extends to include men as well. Broga Enter Broga—a “rugged take” on the thousands-year old practice involving disciplined breathing and specific movements. It has been tagged with many…

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Read This before You Get a Post-Marathon Massage

If you have ever been a recipient of massage therapy, you know how good it feels to have someone work your muscles and heal through touch. Massages can make you feel more relaxed, less stressed, and they can help you get better sleep. When done right, massage can aid in achieving fewer headaches and looser muscles. But what about post-run? Massage after a Marathon Any internet search or discussion with a professional massage therapist will…

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The Science behind Yoga

If you are familiar at all with yoga, you have no doubt heard of the benefits to body and mind caused by taking part in this age-old practice. You know it is a healthy way to stretch muscles, build stamina, increase relaxation, increase flexibility, and improve sleep. But is there actual scientific evidence to back up these claims? There is a reason yoga is so popular, and why millions of men, women, and children across…

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Yoga: It’s Not Just for Grownups

We are part of a nation where childhood obesity rates have more than doubled over the past 30 years and the percentage of 6-11 year olds in the obese category rose to 18% in 2012. While some may disagree, it is clear we as adults have not done our part to encourage physical fitness and good eating habits. 60 minutes of physical activity a day is a recommended amount for children. Between sitting at school…

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Massage Therapy for Knee Pain

If you are among the 10 million people who saw a doctor in recent years for a knee injury, you know how much pain an injury of this type can cause, and how much it can interfere with daily activities. Knee injuries are common among sports players, and can also occur as the result of a car accident, an accidental fall, or a misstep during everyday activities. Knee pain can be related to a particular…

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Yoga and It’s Many Benefits

Yoga is a practice that goes back thousands of years, yet a lot of people see it as a low-impact workout designed to get them into shape. Yes, practicing yoga regularly will improve your flexibility and tone your muscles as well as a lot of other workouts, but it also has other benefits that a lot of people tend to overlook. Here are just a few to keep in mind. Yoga and Stress Relief Just…

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Massage for Chronic Pain

If you have ever lived with chronic pain, you know how frustrating life can be. Every day, you deal with aches that have little or no relief, and your body never seems to be at peace. You are not alone; in 2011, a study from the Institute of Medicine found that over 100 million Americans lived a lifestyle that involved chronic pain. Chronic pain lingers long after an injury, accident, or trauma. Chronic pain can…

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The Many Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is a practice that goes back thousands of years, yet a lot of people see it as a low-impact workout designed to get them into shape. Yes, practicing yoga regularly will improve your flexibility and tone your muscles as well as a lot of other workouts, but it also has other benefits that a lot of people tend to overlook. Here are just a few to keep in mind. Yoga and Stress Relief Just…

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Can’t Sleep? Try Yoga!

If you are among the 40 million Americans who are not getting enough sleep (a necessary and basic need), you are not alone. Insomnia, sleep apnea, and trouble staying asleep are all too common for adults. You may worry about the side effects of sleep aids or health issues associated with not getting enough shuteye, and rightly so. Not only do we feel grumpy when we do not get the rest we need, but sleeplessness…

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Yoga for Back Pain: A Few Tips

Chronic back pain can be caused by many factors, including a stressful job, improper lifting, and a worn mattress. Back and sciatica pain can get in the way of daily activities and make your normal routine more difficult. If you are looking for an alternative to pain pills, yoga may be your answer. As a reminder, no recommended yoga routine is intended to treat or cure any disease. Always talk to your physician for constant…

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