Biased? Yes. Believer? Yes. As many of you are aware I teach yoga in Lincoln NH among the many other busy parts of my life. Yoga has taught me countless lessons and has brought me as many benefits both physically and emotionally. While many of the benefits of yoga are, in fact, physical there are a few highlights on the mental/emotional side that I’d like to touch on today. As I sit and write this,…
Continue ReadingEverybody loves receiving a good massage to relieve their stress. When you go to have a massage, keep your mind open to the process. Relax and let your massage professional handle the job in order to best serve your needs. Much like a yoga class, massage can be used to clear the mind and simply “be”. Try to release all of the stresses you are holding onto and melt into the table. This will help…
Continue ReadingI believe balance is an important part of our everyday lives. Heck, I even put the word in the name of my business! We hear the benefits of balance lauded in many different facets of our lives. Moderation in most things and a healthy variety of interests can be a good foundation for contentment. Of course, living a life filled with the daily challenges we all face does not make finding that balance a simple…
Continue ReadingIt happens to us all. For reasons beyond our control, life throws us a curveball that knocks us down and creates potential for the whole system to run right off the tracks. Be it a pink slip, test result or some other life-altering event, here are a few tips to maintain your sanity and learn better to roll with it. First of all, allow yourself to be present with what you feel. Granted, that sounds…
Continue ReadingI overheard a conversation at the coffee shop last week that sort of bothered me. The gist of it was that yoga was “really hard”. In general, I don’t disagree that yoga can be a lot of things to a lot of people, but one thing it should not be for you is “hard”. Yes, you can get a workout and you can stretch and pull certainly parts of your body that have been sedentary,…
Continue ReadingI’ll admit. As a yoga instructor I want everyone to be doing yoga. Of course I want you to be present at one of my yoga classes in Lincoln NH, but in general I want you to be doing yoga. I understand and educate folks on the benefits of yoga as well as overall health and exercise. I also understand that it is not always easy to find time for either. Amidst our busy schedules,…
Continue ReadingNo seriously! OK, I know the title is a bit of an attention grabber, but it will make sense, I promise. The goal is to obtain a little inner peace. Granted, the kids are on their way back to school and the house is about to become a little more quiet, but we can all still use a little more “calm” to help us through the day. It actually makes you more productive to have…
Continue ReadingLife is busy. We all have schedules and to-do lists that don’t seem to ever quite get completed. Whenever a tragedy strikes, especially a public one like Robin Williams’ death, I always find myself re-setting and making additional efforts to appreciate what I have. Slowing down allows us to see more of what is around us and even stop to (literally!) smell the roses. I found a few things work for me and a few…
Continue ReadingI love most of the stuff that comes out of Elephant Journal!! This article is just great and gives us some fantastic ideas to get kids introduced to the basics of yoga while keeping it light and fun! Special thanks to Rachel Glowacki for this one!! _____________ Keep cool this summer with kid-friendly yoga activities! In yoga there is no competition. One of my favorite sayings is—Practice makes progress, not perfection. Yoga encourages children to learn…
Continue ReadingI typically lean towards original content on the blog, but this article was so good I didn’t want to miss anything. This is a fantastic article from Rachel Smith. It was presented in Elephant Journal, which if you have not yet discovered is well worth your time. Bookmark the site and visit it daily. They also have a great Facebook page. Here is the article about quitting consumerism and the amazing benefits it brings along.…
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